Istanbul, Turkey, 2020
Impact of online shopping on retail stores. Online shopping lets customers review thousands of items in one place and pay for from the comfort of their homes. This has affected offline retail companies to stay in the competition with other retailers and online stores.
Thanks to the new era of the new understanding of the shopping experience, retail areas have been squeezed and those areas has been converted to the foodhalls, restaurants and bistros.
Withs those new requirements Gursoy Group has chosen GVDS to renovate Isfanbul Shopping Center.
According to the GVDS Project almost 10.000sqm retail area is to be opened to the new shopping experience and also converted to the food hall, restaurants, kids foodhall, fast food tracks and so on..
After 2 months concept and design development phase for the very detailed Project for 10.000 sqm will be constructed in 3 months and Isfanbul Mutfak is supposed to welcome its guests May 2020. This speed of the construction phase has been satisfied thanks to GVDS’ Project producement experience.
n attractive central eating space serves as a gathering point, and malls have been quick to make food courts as comfortable and as eye-catching as possible for customers.
Most establishments in this category include restaurants that serve alcoholic beverages along with an array of food options, with significant emphasis on the ambience.